Monday, 13 January 2014

Reasons to be Cheerful

I have started this post so many times, in my head, on paper, the computer...
Like many people I struggle in the winter months with 'low mood' (and to be honest, at other times too).  This is why I blog less during the winter even though I plan to blog more in the run up to Christmas!
I don't think I'm a full blown pessimist but nor am I a raging optimist either - I'd like to change that so after reading this article
(don't forget you can click on the pic to enlarge)
I have been listing three things everyday that have made me happy.
Some days I have struggled to find three things, and that's not because good things haven't happened...

Here are some examples of good things that have happened recently:

  Breakfast in bed courtesy of Mr B
All of us eating dinner together
Two new magazines delivered
Sunny weather
A friend called in to see me at work
Got lots done at work
YB made dinner
Enjoyed Meet and Make
Saw a squirrel in the library garden
New follower on blog

Today's will be:

Received a new magazine
Listening to music (The Beautiful South) on my Christmas present radio and Ipod dock.
 Whether or not I'm listening to music is a good indication of how I'm feeling. I love a good sing along but don't play music if I'm really down but I'm going to change that because how could I fail to be cheered by a sing-song?
I'm hoping number three will be that Mr B didn't work late!

How do you cheer yourself up?

This isn't meant to be a glum post but a post about appreciating the little things in life and doing so more. I am lucky to have a lovely family, great friends, a nice job, somewhere safe to live and so much more. I just need to remember it more!
This postcard (bought because I love typography) has been in my kitchen for a year or more, it's about time I took more notice of it!!
Thanks for visiting.


  1. I find I'm more of a pessimist than an optimist, and my family would wholeheartedly agree. I find that blogging and sending out positive messages to people helps lift me up into a better frame of mind. Not that I'm depressed, but it makes me view things in a brighter way when I force myself to be more pleasant and look for the positive in things. Also I get outside as much as I can, even if the weather isn't so nice right now, it always makes me feel better & happier. Happy Days to you! Wendy x

    1. Hi Wendy, thanks for commenting. I have to say I was cheered up hugely over the weekend by reading the blogs that I follow. before then I'd not really felt like even reading them, let alone blogging myself. But you're right it is very theraputic to publish a happy post, I'm going to force myself to do it more often!! XX

  2. I hope that you are feeling a little less glum soon Suzanne. It is very hard anyway at this time of year when the weather is so yucky and if you can have difficulties sometimes too that doesn't help does it. I hope that you keep finding happy things, it is a great idea to try and keep a look out for them! Take care of yourself. xx

    1. Thank you Amy. This winter has been exceptionally dark and miserable, hasn't it? I know people who don't usually suffer with the winter blues who are this year. I think the point of listing the three things daily is to learn to appreciate the little things. Thanks for commenting. XXX

  3. You are so right. There is always something good and we just need to find it or become part of the something good each day. Thanks for sharing and wishing you a wonderful day and thanks for your visits to my blog. : )

    1. Yes, it's working - I think I wasn't great at appreciating the little things before and, let's face it's the little things that make up most of our lives, isn't it? Thanks for commenting XXX

  4. Hi, I'm a new reader and loved this post. I also suffer from the blues, often for no reason at all and really hate it.
    I'm a naturally optimistic an happy person but also so sensitive and that is probably where the problem lies. I get upset over the most trivial things for other people but not for me.
    I have a book called 'End the Struggle and Dance With Live' and dip into it when I'm feeling low, it helps.
    Have added you to my blog list.
    Warm wishes

  5. How lovely to hear from you Briony - I'm going to give that book a go. I must admit I thought long and hard about this post and then worried after I'd posted that it was too glum!
    I'll be over to visit you very soon. XXX


Thank you so much for commenting. I truly appreciate you taking the time and will reply to you via the comments page so call back if you have time XX